He will shelter you with His wings.
His faithful promises are your armor
and protection"
Psalm 91:4
I've read Psalm 91 over and over again since the event of the other night, thanks to a beautiful sister who encouraged me with it.
I would say I have a healthy fear of snakes. Growing up in Oregon if you hear a rattle you either grab a rock or run fast and far in the other direction. I don't like them, but I've never been paralyzed in fear by them. But the other night, when a puff adder struck at me, well, I would rank that top of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced.
I've been thinking about that night a lot. Thinking about how gracious My King is, how I got to experience up front and close His goodness and mercy. There is no reason I should not have been bit initially. And certainly no reason why that snake missed when it struck... no reason at all.
None, except for Jesus.
I get it, it would be easy to explain it away. To reason it with luck or the perfect circumstances...but I keep coming back to His word of truth:
"His faithful promises are your armor and protection."
Most nights I go to the backside of our property and sit behind one of our buildings. Sometimes I pray, sometimes I just sit and think, but I always stare off at the horizon.
Yesterday I did that very thing. Stared off at this mountain range, prayed to my Father and read Psalm 91.
These mountains are the Nangeye Mountains. A promise from The Lord. Nearly two years ago The Lord introduced me to an unreached people group on these mountains. I didn't know a single person, didn't know anything about them, just was told over and over how they haven't heard the gospel. It broke my heart, so I just took that brokenness to The Lord and began to pray He would one day take me there.
Most the time I love my life here. I love going into the village and sitting in Florence's home going through the scriptures. Or sitting with the women under the mango tree and helping them shell g-nuts. I love the beauty I see everyday, even in the midst of a wilderness. I love my team, being able to daily witness the hands and feet of Jesus. No doubt I was made for this life, for this season.
And then there are sometimes I get weary and rather fed up. I want to pack my bags and move back to the land of comfort and hot showers without worms in the water and put things like ice cubes in a cup of coffee, just because I can. Sometimes it isn't even that I am weary or tired, but more so that I have just lost the vision and the hope that The Lord once gave me. My passion seems to have dulled occassionaly along with my prayers becoming fewer for the Nangeyen people. My heart would begin to turn inward again and focus on my flesh. But everytime I get to that place The Lord graciously redirects me, and reminds me the things He's already spoken.
He always seems to find a way to release new information at just the right time... like how I've been pronouncing the name wrong for the last two years for example. Or how the Nangeye people are losing their native tongue and a good majority probably speak Ngakarimajong. Perhaps why He's been urging me and my team to focus back on language learning while we serve the Jie Karimajong. He shows me how every season has a purpose and is preparing me for that one day when His promise will become a reality.
I know that "His faithful promises are your armor and protection."
That snake reminded me to stay on track. To focus and be faithful where He has me, and it undoubtedly reminded me that My soverign King is the one who gives life and takes it away.
"If you make The Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone. You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet! The Lord says, " I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation."
Psalm 91:9-16
I truly understand what you were going through. I'm terrified of snakes, but saw quite a number of them when in the New Hope Uganda area. Cobras, pythons, puff adders, etc. AND when Dave and I returned, in agreement to one of the things you mentioned, we both rejoiced at being able to take a shower or drink water easily or not watch so carefully re: various insects. Overall, it's much easier here. BUT we both would prefer to live in Uganda. We loved it so much... and were much loved there by many of our dear friends who are usually considered our "family". You wrote a good one again. I looked forward to reading it, even though I was a little late. Bless you.