Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A restart with the New Year

I think I have started and stopped and restarted and quit more than a handful of blog posts. I feel like the blogging world in America has became really prominent and especially within the christian circles, so to be a "missionary" in Northern Uganda I feel like I should always have something profound and very wise to part with on my blog. But... truth be told, it's actually just been a copout to stop blogging... 

And today it ends. :) 

I've been asked by a couple people to update my blog and let them know what I'm doing... and by a couple I literally mean two. Which is cool, cause that means I have two readers! 

Recently Camille, my hutmate and I returned from the south, a little vacation we spent in Jinja. We rafted the Nile and I got my teeth cleaned and we took a break from beans and rice. But it is nice to be home. Today Camille and I walked into the village to our friend's Florence's house. The wonderful sister God put in our lives to walk through the scriptures. 

Today I walked back, smiling ear to ear at how life giving our time with her is and how much The Lord is teaching her. It's amazing to sit back and watch The Lord move in someone else's life and to stand on the sidelines and pray and just be part of the story. 

I'm really thankful to be part of the story here in Karamoja. Kenneth, who is the father of the family Camille and I live with often says, "Karamoja doesn't need us, but we need Karamoja." And the longer I live here the truer that statement rings. Never have I felt more alive than here, living the dream, the dream The Lord gave me for my life long ago. Knowing that this was the life I was made for. 

So, for my readers, life is good. I am continuing to pray for wisdom and guidance as The Lord has entrusted teaching Florence to me and Camille. Learning and trying to be a blessing to my team and the family I live with, and simply enjoying life and the lavishing of my King's love all at the same time. 

I hope you all have a blessed New Years, and I will try to be better at updating this thing. But...this is a start, right? 


  1. A glorious update. Praise God. #3readers #iloveyou #imissyou

  2. As I've said more than once on FB, you are a real special person in that general location. I've known much about it for a very long time, and been given some intense insight info. YOU are a blessing! Thank you so much for sharing. Love you...
