Monday, December 24, 2012

Superhero Family

Meet Zane and Summer. (Yep, Summer - I creepily stole these from your facebook!) 

It is quite possible that both of them, because of their humble hearts, will shake their head as they read this. 
But I have to tell you about these two - and the amazing couple they are. 
And - how much they have blessed me. 

As many of you know, they are the reason why I came back to Uganda this trip was to help care for their children. You see, if you remember, Summer is sick and can no longer live in Uganda because of it. So she is in the states with two of their kids while for the past seven months Zane has been here with the other 11, getting all of their adoptions in order. 

Now... meet my dear sister, Bri. 

(All the Ugandan's think we are actual sisters... and we don't mind) 

Bri has been nannying these kids for a year and a half. She is amazing, sweet, and beautiful inside and out. She stepped in when the Lord called her, not knowing what to expect. And today, she left, heading back for America - not knowing what to expect. 

Now... meet the kids. 
Aren't they cute? 
I sure think so! 

Today Zane, Bri, Ezra, Elianah, and Elizabeth fly off to America. Only Zane will return to prepare the next 8 to come home until the last child is gone. 

Whew - ok... now that we have all those details out... let me brag on these fellow servants of the Gospel. 

You see, the more time I spend with this family, the more I am inspired and blown away. 
Zane, undoubtedly is one of the most Godly men I have ever met... in my entire 21 years.
 Summer, I am pretty sure behind that pretty blonde hair is a super hero. 
You have to be to do what she does. 
And these kids... oh my, you have probably never met a family of 13 who are so sweet, well behaved, dearly loved, God fearing children. 

Saturday the kids celebrated Christmas with the rest of their brothers and sisters and their dad before they left. Joy and laughter filled our compound as we ate meat, rolex and had soda... a special treat here. The kids, excited and thankful, came out to show off their presents sent from afar. 

And sweet Summer, sat at home in America watching 11 of her kids celebrate Christmas via a computer screen. 

I couldn't even imagine... being torn away from what has been home for nearly 9 years. Being separated from your husband and children for almost a year, waiting, and waiting, and waiting... Or, if that wasn't enough, being constantly sick, run down from the harsh medicine and the Lymes disease. 

Yesterday tears fled as the car pulled away and eight remained. I am incredibly blessed and humbled to be get to care for these kiddos, and the Lord is teaching me so much through it. 

One thing about this family - they have counted the cost. In Luke 9 a man comes to Jesus and says that he wants to follow him... but first let me go and say goodbye to my family. And what does the Savior say? "No one who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the service of the Kingdom." 

Zane and Summer, Bri, this whole family - their hand is on the plow. 

They have counted the cost, and I ask you dear friends, to keep them in your prayers. Pray the that Lord will move in a mighty way to quickly get all of these children out and reunite this family. Pray for Summer, as she patiently awaits her kids and her husband to come home. Pray for these resilient children, who light up my days. And pray for Bri, as she transitions into this new season the Lord is calling her to. 

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