Monday, December 3, 2012

Little chocolate blessings...

I've been hearing a lot... "You must be sick of truffles. You probably never want to see another one again." 

Truth is - all I can respond with is, "Nope. They are a blessing." 

One of the many the Lord has thrown my way. 

I am still in awe that the Lord is sending me back, so incredibly soon. I never in a million years would have thought that I would be spending Christmas in Uganda, well... at least this soon. 

A week from now I will be eagerly awaiting to board my plane on Tuesday. Between now and then I have a full week of finishing finals, projects, getting all details together for my jobs, packing and saying goodbye. Busy, I feel like is an understatement. 

But what amazes me is that throughout this time, I have had this overwhelming peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding. Because my God continually shows me his faithfulness and his blessings pour out abundantly. 

These little chocolate blessings... 

(Some of the final orders before I sent them all out. But, don't be fooled - 
this was NOT even all of them) 

(I have really amazing friends! They helped me!) 

My favorite - mint. 



My parents raised me to be pretty independent. I've always worked at least two jobs, I've managed (by God's grace) to stay out of debt, and it is very humbling to see peoples generosity. To have to ask for help, and to trust that I may not always know the details of how things are going to work out - but one thing I know, my God is faithful - and he always provides. 

Thank you. 

I feel like those simple words frankly are not enough. I have been overwhelmed with realizing all the love, support and blessings that are being poured out upon me as I prepare to go back to my heart's land! 

"And my God will meet ALL your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." 
- Philippians 4:19 

Prayer: Please be praying for my family while I am gone. Pray for the McCourtney's that a miracle will take place and Zane can bring 6 or the 11 of their children. Pray for the missionaries there, Ryan, Bri, Therese - these individuals are so dear to me and I pray that during this holiday season they may be rejuvenated and resting in the Lord's peace. Pray for me to finish what I need to this week (and sleep some too.) 

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